MAP Stories

A collection of multimedia content about the lived experiences of MAPs

The websites listed here are not controlled by MAP Resources and may change without our knowledge. If you ever find links to harmful content, please submit a removal request.

Created by MAPs

MAPs share the unique challenges and triumphs of living with stigmatized attractions


"Experiences" on Leonard's Blog

Leonard, a pedophile, shares his and other MAPs' stories of finding happiness, navigating relationships, and exploring questions of morality in this series of blog posts.

"My Life" on Todd Nickerson's Blog

This selection of blog posts contains stories about Todd, a pedophile who was outed as a young adult and now uses his real identity to advocate for stronger social supports for MAPs and spread accurate information.

"Personal Stories" on Sam's Blog

Sam discusses his experiences of discovering his attractions to minors at a young age and coming out to his partner as a pedophile in this collection of blog posts.

Stories of Hope

Compiled by the non-profit organization B4U-ACT, this collection of stories explores MAPs' experiences with depression, isolation, coming out to friends and family, and finding hope for the future.


A MAPs Journey Podcast

A podcast hosted by Elliott, who interviews MAPs, allies, family members, and researchers on a variety of topics, including raising a family as a MAP, feelings of isolation, and coming out.


Todd Nickerson's YouTube Channel

After being targeted and outed by vigilantes, Todd Nickerson now spreads awareness about MAPs and explores topics like morality in his videos. He also answers viewer questions.

News and Books

News articles and literature about minor-attracted people, written by professionals.


You’re 16. You’re a Pedophile. You Don’t Want to Hurt Anyone. What Do You Do Now?

This award-winning article shares the story of Adam, a teenage pedophile, as he grapples with illegal content and the limited support options available to people like him.

Trigger warning for discussion of child abuse at the beginning of this article.

A Long Dark Shadow

Requires purchase

Award-winning child protection researcher, Allyn Walker, explores the intricate and emotional lives of MAPs and challenges widespread assumptions through a series of interviews in this groundbreaking book.

Past the Dark Field

Fiction, requires purchase

Through the lens of realistic fiction, this book explores common events in the lives of MAPs, including discovering their attractions, coping with confusing emotions while raising a family, and engaging in advocacy.


Help Wanted

As part of their "Tarred and Feathered" episode, the This American Life podcast explores the limited availability of support for MAPs, particularly those who are minors.

Interview with a Pedophile

In this episode of the Psychology in Seattle podcast, a non-offending MAP is interviewed about his experiences growing up a MAP and living as a member of a stigmatized group.

Share Your Story

Help others feel less alone by taking the time to talk about your experiences as a MAP or ally.

Salmacis’ Press

An independent publisher specializing in stories and poetry that discuss sexuality and related topics. They are known for their work exploring the experiences of young MAPs through realistic fiction short stories.


This alliance of researchers, therapists, and MAPs is seeking stories about the lived experiences of MAPs for their website. The project's goal is to allow MAPs to share their reasons to feel hope with each other.