MAP Resources

MAP Resources compiles expert-backed support resources for minor-attracted people. Know a resource we should add? Suggest it!

🚨 Crisis Resources

If you have concerns about any of the following, dedicated support is available.

❓ FAQs

Minor-attracted people who are seeking support for the first time often have questions. We explore research and real-world events to answer some common ones.

πŸ“– MAP Stories

Many minor-attracted people start their search for support by seeking information on the experiences of other MAPs. This can help reduce anxiety and loneliness.

πŸ‘₯ Peer Support

Online support groups provide an important source of community for many minor-attracted people. This can lead to a reduction in feelings of loneliness or isolation.

πŸ—£οΈ Therapy

Though it can't change attractions, therapy helps many minor-attracted people overcome mental health issues or address concerns about harmful sexual behaviors.

πŸ“” Self-Help

These free, online tools can help minor-attracted people overcome distress and find self-acceptance. They do not require interacting with another person.

Dedicated Support

Some minor-attracted people and supporters may benefit from resources specifically for them. We maintain separate lists of resources for groups that often need unique support.

πŸ§’ Minor MAPs

Minors who are attracted to much younger children are more vulnerable to mental health issues caused by stigma and a lack of safe access to effective support.

πŸ‘ͺ Friends and Family

Friends and family members of MAPs face a variety of challenges, including overcoming misconceptions they may hold about MAPs to support the MAP they know.

πŸ¦‹ CSA Survivors

MAPs who experienced sexual abuse as children often struggle to find spaces where they feel welcome and supported and can begin to heal and move forward.


A form of obsessive-compulsive disorder in which one experiences intrusive thoughts centered around the possibility of being a pedophile or a child abuser.